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Nation Law Firm Wins Florida Family's Pipe Lawsuit

By Mark Nation on August 30, 2017

How would you want to spend your Valentine’s Day? Surely, it wouldn’t be dealing with extensive damage to your home from leaking sewer pipes. However, that’s exactly how the Millers spent theirs in 2016.

When the Millers discovered the leaking pipe, they knew that not only would they have a big task on their hands on Valentine’s Day but that they needed to call their homeowners insurance company for help. After all, they had been dutifully paying their premiums for just this type of problem: costly repairs to their home.

There was even more bad new to come though: The Millers’ insurance company denied their claim. Facing a home damaged with sewer water and mounting bills, the Millers couldn’t believe it.

“My family and I were abandoned by those we paid to protect us,” Steve Miller said. “My wife and I felt helpless with nowhere to turn.”

However, the “no” from the insurance company was only the beginning of a story that would end with a Florida jury awarding the Millers almost twice the cost of repairs and holding their insurance company, American Integrity Insurance Company of Florida, accountable for violating the Millers’ trust.

‘... Hopeful for the First Time…’

The insurance company’s denial of the Millers’ claim was a blow, and not just because it spoiled their Valentine’s Day. They had rotting walls, mold, and other damage that a family simply can’t live with, but that isn’t cheap to fix. This was the kind of circumstance for which insurance exists.

The Millers’ homeowners insurance policy included coverage to protect them against those losses, but American Integrity rejected their claim.

The tide started to turn when someone referred the Millers to Mark Nation and our attorneys at The Nation Law Firm. The Millers said that when they spoke to The Nation Law Firm they started feeling “hopeful for the first time during this experience.”

Nation and his team took the insurance company to court, arguing before a jury that American Integrity was obligated to pay out on the claim. The policy clearly covered the water damage to the Millers’ home, even though the insurance company fought desperately to convince the jury otherwise.

It was increasingly clear which way the jury leaned, when 30 minutes into deliberations they asked if it was possible to award the Millers more than what attorney Mark Nation had requested, and if there was any cap on what they could award.

Not Just a Pipe Dream

When the verdict finally came, it was a win for the Miller family. The three-day trial culminated in a $35,476 verdict in the Millers’ favor, almost double what they had requested. The Millers were pleased.

“The experience of having to fight for a denied claim is not something we'd wish upon anybody, but our experience with Nation Law was exceptional,” Steve Miller said. “They are a firm with high morals and dignity, unlike the insurance company that denied us the protection that we paid for.”

Nation, an experienced and well-respected trial attorney, was also pleased with the victory he won for the Millers.

“If there is one thing I could tell people, it would be this: If your insurance company denies your claim, do not be intimidated, and do not give up,” Nation said. “Every insurance case I’ve ever won all have one thing in common. They all started with ‘No.’ ‘No’ isn’t the end of the inquiry; it’s just the beginning. In fact, I can’t win until your insurance company says ‘No.’”

What If Pipes Damage Your Home?

If your home suffered damage from deteriorated sewer pipes and your insurance company has denied your claim, contact our attorneys at The Nation Law Firm right away for a free, no-risk case evaluation. Even if you think there’s nothing that can be done, let The Nation Law Firm review your denial claim for free today.

You don’t have to fight this battle alone.


Mark A. Nation is Board Certified in Civil Trial Law, and also in Business Litigation Law by the Florida Bar. Although there are over 100,000 attorneys in Florida, less than 100 hold these two Board Certifications.

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